Heritage Pine Forest
Knock Mill Lane, West Kingsdown
Sevenoaks TN15 6FP
Oskar’s Amazing Adventure visits Camp Kindling (Summer Camp for Families), Sevenoaks over the weekend 16 – 19 August 2024 (timings to be announced).

Paul Mansfield Photography 2015
Fun-loving puppy Oskar leaves the snowbound little house on top of the mountain to try to find a friendly animal to play with. But where are all the animals? And why does Oskar have to wait till spring to play his favourite game again?
This original play for young children uses a rich mix of storytelling, physical theatre, clowning, puppetry and music & song to tell the tale of a puppy’s search for friendship in the wilderness of the Alps.
★★★★★ Winner Primary Times Children’s Choice award
★★★★★ “Outstanding. This was my own preschooler’s first ever live show and I am so massively grateful to Theatre Fideri Fidera for making it such a positive and memorable experience for us both. For pre-schoolers first noticing the big wide world (and for those of us privileged to attend them on their journey) the perspective offered is just right. The highest praise I can think of is to jump up and down in my seat squealing ‘Again! Again!’” Edinburgh 49 (August 2017)
Catch us at Camp Kindling (Summer Camp for Families), Sevenoaks and at other venues in this Spring and Summer. Please see our Tour Dates page on our website, for more details.